제 3 호 The Most Mysterious Light about Our Eyes, Blue Light
Kicker: LIFE (HEALTHY) The Most Mysterious Light about Our Eyes, Blue Light Wisdom and Cleverness for Awareness and Prevention for Blue Light by Yu-sun Kang, Reporter dbtjs126@naver.com In recent years, people have become increasingly attentive to light pollution influences on their eyes. With the explosive usage rate of smartphones, blue light breakers, blue light blocking plants and blue light blocking stickers, have now come to be a necessity, not an option. People hypnotize themselves by simply using these things as a shallow and quick defense, without even considering reducing the use of smartphones. What is blue light? What is it that gets into our daily lives and causes a dilemma deeply? In order to take away the huge anxiety, you first need to get proper comprehension about it since you realized that it is nearly impossible to cut off usage of smartphones. I write this article to ease the fear of blue light even a little bit more and to get wisdom to control it in a proper way. ▲ Simple table for explanation for blue light First of all, the dictionary description Blue light is a blue series of light that belongs to a low wavelength between 380 and 500 nm. Blue light has the shortest *wavelength and strongest energy among visible light, and the blue light exists and has a lasting effect on the human body, not only on computers, TVs and smartphone screens, but also in the afternoon sunlight. The fact that light is not only a material that is unavoidable for humans to live with, but it also has close connections with the five main sensory systems we have is perhaps the point that blue lights can be such an easy-to-handle point for the media. Blue Light in Mass Media Before I describe the word in this article, if someone asks us, "Where did you first hear of blue light?" then I think 90 percent of the answers would be the "media" very clearly. While everyone knows the dictionary definition of blue light superficially, only some people may know its explanation in a scientific and technical way from experts or eye doctors. But there must be exceptions like a few people who are interested in health care theses or specialized books. Some of the main keywords that come to us from television, the Internet, magazines or personal blogs are full of diseases such as "Lack of Sight," "**Macular Degeneration", "***Cataract" or "Loss Sight" that make you want to put your smartphone down right now. So what kind of feeling most comes to mind when you see those descriptions about blue light? Facts, exaggeration, and redefinition. All of the experimental studies of blue light tell us exactly like those things. The issue of “Nature’s” sister journal “Scientific Report” shows that blue light damages the visual cells of mice, and the paper by a team of professors at the “Japan Institute of Pharmacology” mentions that, "The cells of mice that are exposed directly from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) used in devices such as smartphones, TVs and PCs have been damaged.” But according to the “American Academy of Ophthalmology”, the most prominent ophthalmology research institute, blue light does not blind you. This means that it is not harmful to the health of the eyes. For sustaining the definition, experiments and studies conducted for negative papers on blue light cannot be applied equally to humans because they are animal experiments, and the way light is exposed is different from the way light is exposed in everyday life, and the ability to be protected from blue light does exist in our own eyes. In addition, researchers at “Color Tech Institute of Korea” stated, "There are countless cases of damage to retinal epithelial cells and nerve cells," and that "there is no data that says blue light is the decisive cause" and "the relationship between blue light and yellow dust is not yet proven." Plus or minus? So which side does blue light fit? So is it just a harmless light that has no effect on us? The conclusion is too complex and fast to come to. In conclusion, blue light is neither a plus nor a minus for us. In order to speak more clearly, we need to know the concept of biorhythm. Biorhythm is a scientific word that means a constant term of cycles in the human body and appears in a particular pattern depending on environmental and physical inner system that influences ability or activity efficiency for what we have to do is our lives, especially for sleep, and the relationship between sleep, biorhythm and blue light is undeniably very close. This is because exposure to blue light suppresses the release of melatonin, a hormone that impacts sleep rhythm. The diffusion of electronic devices with screens, especially after the sun has set, spreads the exposure of blue light. Blue light that comes from image devices, fluorescent lights, and LED lights are disturbing the quality of sleep and the biorhythm. There is a possibility that any kind of light can suppress the release of melatonin, but this blue light especially works much more strongly. But blue light from sunlight during the day is very positive. This is because it has a positive effect on getting a good night's sleep by maintaining the biorhythm. In Northern Europe, where the amount of sunlight is short, blue light is sometimes used as a treatment to promote serotonin secretion. This is because the blue light induces serotonin secretion, called the "day hormone," so that it is recognized as day even when the sun is dark due to its shortness. Wise control rather than unconditional defense In the end, I would like to say that studies that show that blue light has a direct and negative impact on the visual elements that support our eyes and our eyes, as described in the media so far, are not perfect. Of course, that is not to say that blue light is a perfect material that is harmless to our bodies. As mentioned above, it is a hypothesis that it can act as an obstacle to the quality of sleep. If the quality of sleep decreases, it can also be a negative trigger for other factors that support our lives. So I would like to recommend a proper control method for blue light. It would be better if you check and follow this short guide for people concerned about blue light. - 1. When using electronic devices to prevent dry eyes, it is recommended to rest your eyes while looking at a distance of 10 minutes after 50 minutes of use. If you need to watch a monitor for a long time, you should consciously blink your eyes to relieve the dryness. - 2. Use a dark red light for night lighting. It is recommended that the blue light be blocked from entering the eye after dark. Red light has the fewest powers to change the ****circadian rhythm and inhibit melatonin. - 3. Do not look at electronic devices two to three hours before bedtime. This is because blue light can interfere with sleep rhythms. - 4. If you are on night duty or need to use a lot of electronic devices at night, it is recommended that you wear blue light blocking glasses or install an application that filters blue and green wavelengths at night. Blue light-blocked glasses coat the inner surface of the lenses, reducing glare caused by the reflection of the blue light and the presence of light into the eyes. Sun glasses that remove only blue light are suitable for indoor use at night. Of course, eyeglasses that block only the blue light are expensive, costing up to $80. However, inexpensive orange sunglasses are not suitable for indoor use at night. By exposing your body to bright light during the day, you can sleep at night, and improve your mood and attention during the day. - 5. Enjoy plenty of sunshine during the day. By exposing your body to bright light during the day, you can sleep at night, and improve your mood and attention during the day. *Wavelength: thedistancebetween twowavesofenergy, or thelengthof theradiowaveused by aparticularradiostationforbroadcastingprogrammes **Macular Degeneration: aconditionin which the macula(= thecentralareaof theretinain theeye)changes, resultingin alossofcentralvision. It usuallyaffectsoldpeople ***Cataract: adiseasein which anareaof someone'seyebecomeslessclearso that they cannotseeclearly, or theareaaffectedin this way ****Circadian: A daily rhythmic activity cycle, based on 24-hour intervals, that is exhibited by many organisms Sources: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side http://www.techholic.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=19360 http://www.colortechlab.kr/color-management-on-demand-class/ https://www.nytimes.com/1876/04/24/archives/blue-light.html
제 3 호 Take Care of Your Health for This Semester!
Kicker: LIFE (VITAMINS) Take Care of Your Health for This Semester! the Vitamins that Supplement Our Health by Ju - eun Yeon, Reporter Yeonje1113@naver.com The new semester has started. Are you adjusting well? Maybe you are having a busy day. When the semester begins, it is usually hard to take care of the tired body while doing various activities such as daily tasks, exams, and TOEIC. These make it difficult to exercise. Therefore, I want to write about vitamins that serve as a health supplement for busy SMU students. What kind of vitamins can help SMU students? ▲ the Image Representing Vitamins Types and Functions of Vitamins Vitamins can be largely divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins B and C are water soluble and vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble. See the table below. ▲ Health Benefits of Vitamins Some people take nutritional supplements instead of vitamin-containing foods when they cannot eat them. Now, let's find out what kind of vitamin-containing or expert-recommended nutritional supplements there are. 1. Multi Vitamin ▲ the Image of Multi Vitamin It is a minimal supplement that can compensate for the lack of nutrients for modern people.Although it is different depending on the products, various minerals, such as vitamin B, C, zinc, iron, and folic acid, can be taken as a pill. 2. Probiotics Stomach’s health is getting worse due to irregular eating habits, late-night eating, dieting, and stress during the semester. It helps to improve the symptoms of irritable colon syndrome, and it is beneficial to intestinal health if consumed steadily. 3. Minerals Multivitamins may contain minerals, but they may be taken separately if they are deemed insufficient. They serve to strengthen immunity and help absorb vitamins 4. Omega-3 ▲ the Image Omega-3 When you were young, have you heard that eating a lot of fish skin makes you smart? Omega-3, which is high in fish, helps keep the brain healthy and remove blood vessel waste. It is effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels and in controlling and weighting cholesterol levels in the body. 5. Lutein ▲ the Image of Multi Lutein It is an eye nutrient. It works to prevent xerophthalmia*. Take lutein if you feel tired in your eyes because of your assignments. Usually, lutein is good to eat just before bedtime. 6. Coenzyme Q10 It is an antioxidant produced by the body that is effective in blocking active oxygen. Let's eat it in advance because production decreases after 20s. 7. Calcium Calcium is a nutrient that makes up bones, but it also stabilizes muscles and nerves. Calcium’s intake is usually recommended during the evening. Recommendation for SMU Students When the semester begins, it is easy for students to eat and sleep irregularly due to their schoolwork and assignments.Further, increasing alcohol consumption is likely to lead to a lack of water-soluble vitamins that help the body's energy metabolism. In this situation, a good nutrient to recommend is B. Vitamin B5 helps relieve stress and B6 helps keep blood sugar levels at normal levels after food intake. B9 prevents malignant anemia and B12 (folic acid) prevents normal DNA from being transformed.It is also good to take vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for calcium metabolism, which keeps the body's bones strong.If you are suffering from chronic fatigue, vitamin D and magnesium are recommended.The nutrients’ effectiveness may differ for each individual, so please look at them only as a reference. This article is to inform busy SMU students who do not have enough time to exercise about the effectiveness of vitamins. Since this is just a recommendation, I hope you can buy nutritional supplements that suit your taste after consulting with your doctor. Moreover, it is more important to take nutritional supplements consistently than to eat them a lot at a time. Too much nutrition can be poisonous, and cause such as diarrhea.Finally, it is good to take vitamins in parallel with exercise. This is because no matter how much nutrition you take, it is less effective than exercising. Although it will be hard to adjust to school just after the semester started, I hope you finish the semester with a healthy body. *xerophthalmia: a disease caused by a lack of tears or excessive evaporation of tears. Sources: http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2017/08/11/2017081102000.html https://post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=14247974&memberNo=15460571 https://cmmlogos.org/board_xXMX58/4880 www.organicfacts.net https://busy.org/@koseongbin/6dq2vs
제 2 호 The Truth about Caffeine
Kicker: LIFE(CAFFEINE) The Truth about Caffeine Today Did You Drink Coffee? by Su-jeong Sim, Reporter tlatnwjd97@naver.com Today did you start the day with coffee? Or after a meal, did you drink coffee to wake up? Most people are drinking coffee almost everyday. To modern people, coffee is essential. People think of coffee when they talk about caffeine. That's right. People ingest caffeine through the coffee. However, not only the coffee, caffeine intake route is various. For example, carbonated drinks(coke, sprite etc),chocolate, various kinds of tea(green tea, black tea),etc. We are inseparable from caffeine. Therefore, I will talk about caffeine in this article. ▶What Is Caffeine? Humans have started taking caffeine since the Stone Age. It seems that in the early days, after accidentally chewing on the seeds, bark and leaves of a plant containing caffeine, after learning that it has the effect of relieving fatigue, arousal, and exhilarating the mood, they have gradually developed into a form of concern-eating by dipping them in hot water like drinking coffee or tea today. In 1819, German chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge separated relatively high purity caffeine for the first time and named it "caffeine" meaning it was a mixture contained in coffee. In the late 19th century, Hermann Emil Fischer discovered the chemical structure of caffeine. The molecular formula of caffeine is C8H10N4O2. Looking at the molecular structure of caffeine, caffeine molecules consist of 10 hydrogen atoms, 8 carbon atoms, 4 nitrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms, forming a total of 24 atoms. The annual consumption of caffeine is estimated at 120,000 tons worldwide, and the most common caffeine intake route is through coffee and tea. In addition, chocolate, cola and various soft drinks using caffeine-containing plants are widely popular. Recently, caffeine infused products are also on the market for everyday items such as shampoo and soap. ▶Recommended Per Day Intake of Caffeine And Caffeine Intake for Students at Sangmyung University - Recommended Per Day Intake of Caffeine Let's look at the recommended per day intake of caffeine for adults, pregnant women and adolescents. The recommended amount of caffeine per day for adults is less than 400mg and the recommended amount of caffeine per day for pregnant women is less than 300mg and the recommended amount of caffeine per day for adolescents is less than 2.5 mg per 1kg. Next, let's look at the caffeine amount by a dose of food one intake. It is 123mg for coffee, 74mg for canned coffee, 58mg for energy drinks, 23mg for 250ml of cola, 15mg for per tea bag of green tea, 16mg for 30g chocolate, and 50mg for headache medicine, etc. If you think about coffee, which is the most frequent caffeine intake, you can drink 2or 3cups of coffee a day. - Caffeine Intake of Students at Sangmyung University I conducted a survey of students from Sangmyung University to find out how much caffeine they consume. According to the survey, students at Sangmyung University consume the most caffeine through coffee.In addition to coffee, they consumed chocolate, carbonated drinks, black tea, green tea, and energy drinks. The students who consume the most caffeine are those who drink coffee once or twice a day. The students who consume the least amount of caffeine are those who drink coffee every two weeks and those who drink cola once a week. The following table is the result of the survey: AGE KIND NUMBER 20 Cola Twice a week 20 Chocolate 10 times a month 20 Coffee, Energy Drink 4 to 5 times a week 20 Coffee 5 times a week 20 Coffee Once a week 20 Coffee Twice a week 20 Coffee Once every other week 20 Coffee 5 or 6 times a week 20 Coffee 1 to 2 times a day 20 Coffee Once a day 21 Coffee, Chocolate 3 times a week 21 Carbonated Drink Once a week 22 Coffee For a week during the examination period 22 Coffee More than 3 times a week 22 Coffee 5 times a week 22 Coffee, Carbonated Drink Twice a week 22 Black tea Twice a week 23 Coffee 3 times a week 23 Coffee Once every other week 23 Coffee Once a day ▶Efficacy and Side Effects of Caffeine I do not drink coffee well because I cannot sleep when I drink it. It's because of caffeine. However, sometimes I drink coffee to wake up. Therefore, caffeine has two sides of the same coin. -The Efficacy of Caffeine One or two cups of caffeine-containing coffee per day have been found to have a beneficial effect on health and clearness of the mind and body. The effects of caffeine are as follows: 1.Reduce fatigue 2.Awakening effect 3.Prevent sleepiness 4.Promote diuretic activity -Side Effects of Caffeine If you take a lot of caffeine, there are side effects of caffeine. The side effects of caffeine are as follows: 1.Caffeine intoxication 2.Skin dryness and aging 3.Nourishment and water shortage, calcium deficiency 4.Psychological stress such as insomnia and hypersensitivity 5.Hands shaking 6.Heart beating fast Caffeine is essential for us and caffeine has efficacy and side effects like two sides of the same coin. We have to prevent side effects with proper caffeine intake. Sources: https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=1149136&cid=40942&categoryId=32822 https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=1636260&cid=42752&categoryId=42754 https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=4352366&cid=60228&categoryId=60228 https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=14114709&memberNo=15468103&vType=VERTICAL https://m.blog.naver.com/booki6708/221519590769 https://m.blog.naver.com/spiritboxer/221475893016 https://www.flaticon.com
제 1 호 Train Yourself to Everything
Train Yourself to Everything Effects of Mind and Body through Yoga By Ju-eun Yeon/Reporter Yeonje1113@naver.com Most people misunderstand about Yoga. They think it is a boring, static exercise. However, \is that really true? Now, I want to clear up the misunderstanding about yoga. Let’s learn about the origin of yoga. And then, I will explain various kinds of yoga like Ashtanga and stretching based on yoga that students can do. Finally, I will show about the effects of mind and body through yoga. Then, let’s enjoy the life of yoga. ▲a Scene of Yoga <The Origin and Meaning of Yoga > Yoga is a combination of meditation, breathing and stretching. The word “yoga” begins with “yuj(combined)” and becomes “yoga.” The first chapter of the yoga sutra that was written by Patanjali says, “Yoga is about getting rid of your mind’s work.” In this way, yoga is a state in which people control their minds and return to their natural calm. If then, where did yoga start? Clearly, the oldest literature referring to yoga is the Upanisad, which was complied from the 6th century B.C. to the 5th century B.C. Around the 2nd to 4th century A.D., a scripture titled “Yoga sutra” was complied and the yoga academy was created. There are many kinds of yoga. There are Mantra, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, Hatha and Raja yoga. Hatha yoga, which was developed in the 20th century, is actively popular around the world. One of the topics to be covered, Ashtanga, is yoga derived from Hatha yoga. <What Is Ashtanga?> Ashtanga, which is based on Hatha, means the training of eight stages of yoga. In Sanskrit, Ash means eight, and Anga means organization. There are three series, which take about an hour and a half. It is a training method that connects 60 movements constantly. Then, let’s learn about Suriya Namascara, the most basic posture of Ashtanga. Suriya means the sun, Namasucara means the worship. This posture worships the sun through 12 successive poses. 1. Pranamasana ▲The Position of Pranamasana Keep the eyes closed. Stand upright with the feet together. Bring the palms to meet in the center of your chest. Relax the whole body. 2. Hasta Uttanasana ▲The Position of Hasta Uttanasana Bring the hands shoulder width apart, bring them up over head, and reaching back. You should bend the back slightly. 3. Utanasana ▲The Position of Utanasana Bend forwards from the hips until the finger of palms of the hands touch the floor on either side of the feet. Do not strain. 4. Ashwa sanchalanasana ▲The Position of Ashwa sanchalanasana Stretch the right leg back as far as is comfortable tucking the toes under. At the same time bending the left knee leaving the foot flat on the floor. Arch the back and gaze up to the sky. 5. Adho mukha svanasana ▲The Position of Adho mukha svanasana Bring the palms onto the floor while stepping the left foot back beside the right, while lifting the hips up into the air. Lengthening through the spine, bring the shoulders towards the ankles. Take a few breaths. 6. Ashtanga namaskara ▲The Position of Ashtanga namaskara Coming onto your toes, lower the knees, chin, and chest to the floor. The hips and abdomen remain raised. 7. Bhujangasana ▲The Position of Bhujangasana Keeping the hands and feet in place, slide the chest forward and raise the chest up. Opening the shoulders and tilting the head back to look at the sky. The hips and thigh should be on the floor. 8. Adho mukha svanasana Same as step 5 9. Ashwa sanchalanasana Same as step 4 10. Utanasana Same as step 3 11. Hasta utanasana Same as step 2 12. Pranamasana Same as step 1 <Stretching Based on Yoga that Can Help Students> Next, I want to explain a asana that I want to recommend to students who have a tense body due to sitting for a long time. -Shoulder and waist 1. Dhanurasana ▲The Position of Bow Lift the upper and lower body at the same time. It is good to lose weight by stimulating the stomach as well as the shoulders and waist. -Legs 2. Upavistha Konasana ▲The Position of Vat It is called vat position. It strengthens the muscles and ligaments inside and behind the legs, making the leg curves smooth. <Effects of Yoga> In busy city life, most modern people are always tired from stress of body and mind. The body and mind are becoming unbalanced. Modern people can train their minds and regain the body’s harmony through yoga training. In detail, yoga consists largely of movement(Asana), breathing and meditation. Among them, Asana has the effect of helping you be more flexible and cleansing your mind. If you move muscles that you do not normally use through Asana, you can develop flexibility and strength. In addition, breathing using your stomach can help stabilize the autonomic nerves and burn body fat. Finally, meditation has the effect of purifying the body and mind. Through meditation, you can find peace of mind. Sources: https://pranayoga.co.in/asana/surya-namaskar-hatha-yoga-sun-salutation https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2109464&cid=48661&categoryId=48661 https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=630531&cid=50766&categoryId=50794 https://www.yogatoday.com/poses/wide-angle-seated-forward-bend https://viewthevibe.com/event/free-yoga-classes-at-good-space/
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