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제 3 호 Driving Car without Human Control, Can This Theory Be Realized in the Very Near Future?

  • 작성일 2019-09-20
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 15144


Driving Car without Human Control, 

Can This Theory Be Realized in the Very Near Future?

Controversial Thoughts for Normalization of Self-Driving Cars

by Yu-sun Kang, Reporter


  Currently, one company plans to launch a fully self-driving car in 2020, according to industry forecasts. It also means that the day when humans will allow machines to drive is not so far from now. With the advent of the fourth industrial era, which has spread from Germany to the world, self-driving simulation or self-driving investment and business are growing very rapidly. At the center of the huge attention, the debate over the pros and cons of self-driving car is still heating up in the media. This article is written for sharing our opinions and thoughts about self-driving car. Also, I would like to inform you that I put the opinions of students now majoring in industrial design at Sangmyung University who are currently working and studying in the field closest to self-driving technology for a more deep and honest comparison.

▲ Ads for new cars with self-driving technologies

▲With its sensuous, good interface and design, the testing of protocols just before commercialization are already constantly emerging in the pair project.

  Commercialization of Self-driving Cars: Agree

  Commercialization of self-driving cars is a magical word that will simply relieve the world's traffic congestion. When humans and technologies meet, there is nothing better than self-driving technology. Throughout the more than 100 years of history of people driving a car, I think this technology is perhaps the most ideal expectation among the new technologies, not only for reducing traffic jams and car accidents with very stable technology, but also for the concept of cars, which were considered only a means of transportation, to bring something very practical and productive to the time and space that humans can get by not driving. 

  Also, the most frequently mentioned negative opinion is about the possibility of accidents caused by self-driving technology. However, it has been proven statistically and scientifically that the percentage is much lower than driving by humans. Needless to say, this technology can solve the problems such as wasted oil, parking space, and air pollution by applying technology with new regulations.

  Commercialization of Self-driving Cars: Disagree

  Commercialization of self-driving technologies is literally a "technology." Technology must be necessary for all human beings and must be introduced for the development of mankind. As the examples like transportation, communication, the Internet and so on. But humans can already drive by themselves, and they have more than a hundred years of laws and tried to last the systems related to cars. There seems to be no apparent reason yet for commercializing self-driving technology, which is not really necessary for everyone. 

  In addition, even if commercialized, a lot of new systems will be needed to be lasting and adapted for commercialization. This could be too complex and confusing for people. Also, what if a self-driving car gets involved in an accident due to a system error, who will take moral responsibility? Is it the owner or the maker and company of the car? It can also serve as a huge risk and dilemma for people.  

  As with all technologies, “commercialization” laws are needed during the initial implementation to lead the technology in a right and proper direction for the future. Like the most recently commercialized thing we know "drones," I think that readjustment of technology and strict and correct discipline can preserve and develop technology, so it should be implemented one day. What are your thoughts on the matter?




